about me
This is me

Name's Mateusz but friends and English speaking fellas can call me Matthew. I am Polish man who is a technology enthusiast and a computer hobbyist and I am also a Catholic Christian. Except computers my hobbies include anime, manga, video games, history, politics, japanese culture and other.

Name of the website I created comes from the combination of words "tech-" and "-debil", which mean technology and idiot/retarded person. "Techdebil" can be used to describe tech illiterate people, I specifically chose this name for my website because I not only am a dumbass but I want to share some knowledge with fellow techdebils.

The tech field that I am primarily interested in is, of course, computers, both hardware and software. As a zoomer born in 2004 I set myself as a goal putting an end to that generational curse and learn something useful aside from playing vidya and watching japanese cartoons. In doing so I am constantly trying to increase my anonimity and privacy on the net, learn how to use different pieces of technology and promote free software

My political believes are closest to Conservative Liberalism, as a Liberal I believe that everybody is free and has free will given to them by God and this freedom has it's consequences which make everybody responsible for their own actions. That said, I completely oppose any action from the government to take away that responsibility or limit consequences of people's actions in any way i.e. welfare, abortion, etc. As a conservative I am for preserving the universal structure of civilization based on Roman law, Greek philosophy and Christian morality. I also favour nationalism over globalism. This believes of mine influence my views on software freedom as well, in my opinion, free software is the only way one can actually own a SOFTWARE and not a LICENSE to use it, which is the case for all the propriatery crap out there. I do not condemn people for using propriatery software nor I wanna forbid them from doing this, instead I'd rather enlighten them and show how superior and far more convenient free software is

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